email from the organizer
A group of ELF’s have decided to put together a video project for Super Junior in which there are clips of some ELF’s answering the questions: “What does super junior mean to you?” or “Super Junior is…” and the video will have the title: “Ever.Lasting.Friends. Painting the world Sapphire Blue.”
The organizer’s are hoping to release the video on YouTube by the end of the month and we will be creating posters and banners to help get it noticed but are also thinking of planning a ‘twitter trend’ to do on the day or on the day before it is released.
What I am kindly asking is if it’s possible that you could be willing to help promote and get Twelfs to make this twitter trend successful so hopefully Super Junior members can notice it too and see the video and also get other ELF’s to watch the video
Trending Topic Project: #ELFvideo4SJ on May 19th at 11PM KST
please participate
Source: Twelf
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